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  • Optimal transport-based distributionally robust optimization problems studied
  • Fictitious adversary (nature) can choose distribution of uncertain problem parameters
  • Robustification related to various forms of variation and Lipschitz regularization
  • Conditions for existence and computability of Nash equilibrium between decision-maker and nature

Paper Content


  • Stochastic optimization methods are becoming popular in machine learning.
  • A stochastic optimization problem aims to minimize the expected value of an uncertainty-affected loss function.
  • The probability distribution governing the problem parameters is rarely accessible to the decision-maker.
  • A distributionally robust approach minimizes the worst-case expected loss with respect to all distributions in some neighborhood of the reference distribution.
  • This approach leads to tractable optimization models and provides generalization bounds.
  • It can enable generalization in the face of domain shifts and make training of deep neural networks more resilient against adversarial attacks.
  • The ambiguity set is an -neighborhood of the reference distribution with respect to an optimal transport discrepancy.
  • The transportation cost function is lower semi-continuous and the loss function is upper semi-continuous.
  • Optimal transport-based DRO problems are studied in many areas.
  • The ambiguity set can be interpreted as the family of all probability distributions that can be obtained by reshaping the reference distribution at a finite cost.
  • Assumptions 1.1 (i) and 1.1 (ii) ensure that the inner maximization problem admits a strong dual minimization problem.
  • Checking whether a given distribution belongs to the ambiguity set is #P-hard.
  • The optimal value of the problem can often be computed efficiently by solving the dual problem.
  • The dual objective function involves the expected value of the -transform of the loss function.
  • The -transform can be interpreted as an epigraphical regularization of the loss function.

Nash equilibria in dro

  • DRO problem is a zero-sum game between an agent and an adversary
  • Optimal decision and distribution form a Nash equilibrium
  • Optimal solution is referred to as a minimax estimator or robust estimator
  • Expected loss is minimized under the crisp distribution
  • Nash equilibrium exists under mild regularity conditions

Existence of nash equilibria

  • Assumption 1.1 (i) states that there is a reference point
  • Assumption 2.1 (i) and (ii) are satisfied when the support set is compact
  • Assumption 2.4 (iii) states that the loss function is convex and lower semi-continuous
  • The Wasserstein space is independent of the reference point
  • The -th Wasserstein ball of radius ≥ 0 is defined
  • Assumption 2.4 (iii) ensures that the loss function satisfies a growth condition

Computation of nash equilibria

  • The dual DRO problem appears intractable as it is a challenging maximin problem.
  • The primal DRO problem can be reformulated as a finite convex program if certain convexity properties are met.
  • The dual DRO problem can also be reformulated as a finite convex program if certain regularity conditions are met.
  • Solutions of the convex programs can be used to construct a robust decision and a least favorable distribution that form a Nash equilibrium.
  • Dual DRO problems have been investigated in specific applications, such as minimum mean square error estimation and Kalman filtering.
  • General dual DRO problems can often be addressed with methods from convex optimization.
  • Assumptions 2.8, 2.9 and 2.11 are needed to reformulate the dual DRO problem as a finite convex program.
  • Assumption 2.13 is needed to ensure that the dual DRO problem is solvable.
  • The dual DRO problem can be reformulated as a convex program with a maximization problem and a minimization problem.
  • The maximization problem has a Slater point and is solvable.
  • The minimization problem has a Slater point and is solvable.
  • Any maximizer of the convex program can be used to construct a maximizer of the dual DRO problem.
  • If the dual DRO problem is not solvable, a sequence of distributions can be constructed that are feasible and asymptotically optimal.

Regularization by robustification

  • Regularization schemes in statistics and machine learning can be interpreted as a form of robustness.
  • This paper seeks to create a comprehensive theory of regularization and optimal transport-based robustification.
  • The paper studies the primal and dual regularizing effects of robustification.

Primal regularizating effects of robustification

  • The worst-case expected loss across all distributions in a generic optimal transport-based ambiguity set is bounded above
  • Sum of expected loss under reference distribution and regularization terms that penalize -norms and Lipschitz moduli of higher-order derivatives of loss function
  • Intimate connections between robustification and gradient, Hessian, and Lipschitz regularization
  • Norm on space of totally symmetric -th order tensors induced by vector norm
  • Smoothness conditions depend on -th order partial derivatives of loss function
  • Upper bound of worst-case expected loss is sum of expected loss under reference distribution, -th variation regularization terms, and Lipschitz regularization term
  • Variation regularizers used in machine learning applications
  • Theorem 3.2 gives heuristic regularization schemes a theoretical justification
  • Estimate can be simplified by upper bounding all variation regularization terms by corresponding Lipschitz regularizers
  • Results generalize several bounds from extant literature

Dual regularizing effects of robustification

  • A DRO problem of the form inf is a univariate loss function : R → (−∞, +∞]
  • Several important problems in operations research and machine learning can be framed as instances of this DRO problem
  • Assumption 1.1 holds
  • The DRO problem is equivalent to a stochastic program inf
  • The -transform ℓ (, , ̂︀ ) is defined in (20)
  • The -transform can be expressed in terms of a suitable envelope of
  • The DRO problem can be solved efficiently even if fails to be (piecewise) concave or even if fails to be convex
  • Evaluating the -transform ℓ is equivalent to solving a univariate maximization problem
  • The -transform ℓ (, , ̂︀ ) can be viewed as an approximation of ℓ(, ̂︀ ) = (⟨, ̂︀ ⟩)
  • If ≥ lip(), then the worst-case expected loss over a 1-Wasserstein ball of radius coincides with the expected loss under the reference distribution adjusted by the regularization term lip()‖‖ *
  • If Θ is a cone, then the scaling factor can be eliminated by using the variable substitution ′ ←

Numerical experiments

  • Linear and second-order cone programs implemented in Python
  • Solved with Gurobi 10.0.0 on a 2.4 GHz quad-core machine with 8 GB RAM

Nash equilibria

  • Computation of Nash equilibria between a statistician and nature in the context of a distributionally robust support vector machine problem
  • Feature vector ∈ ⊆ R −1 and a label ∈ = {−1, +1}
  • Weight vector ∈ Θ = R −1 of a linear classifier
  • Hinge loss function ℓ(, ) = max{0, 1 − ⟨, ⟩}
  • Reference distribution ̂︀ P is set to the empirical (uniform) distribution on training samples ̂︀ = (̂︀ , ̂︀ ), ∈ []
  • Transportation cost function defined
  • Nash strategies for the statistician and nature can be computed by solving finite convex programs
  • Continuum of least favorable distributions, representing different Nash strategies of nature
  • Instance of the distributionally robust support vector machine problem with = 3, = 0.1 and = 20
  • -norm to quantify the transportation cost in the feature space
  • Distributionally robust support vector machine to distinguish greyscale images of handwritten numbers 3 and 8 from the MNIST 3-vs-8 dataset
  • Feature vector ∈ = [0, 1] −1 with = 787
  • ∞-norm to quantify the transportation cost in the feature space
  • Compare least favorable distributions (Nash strategies of nature) against worst-case distributions (best response strategies of nature)

Distributionally robust log-optimal portfolio selection

  • Assume components of random vector represent total returns of assets over next month
  • Probability simplex in R represents probability of constantly rebalanced portfolio
  • Distribution P is unknown in practice
  • Model distributional ambiguity via optimal transport-based ambiguity set
  • Maximization problem in (28) can be solved efficiently by sorting
  • Out-of-sample performance of log-optimal portfolios with 10 assets assessed
  • Unknown true asset return distribution P assumed to be lognormal
  • Maximizer of problem (28) is unique and fully determined by first-order optimality condition
  • Maximizer of problem (28) is bounded
  • As tends to infinity, converges to

C technical background results

  • Strong duality states that the adversarial examples implied by nature’s best response can only deceive an algorithm, while the adversarial examples implied by nature’s Nash strategy can even deceive a human.
  • Relaxed self service condition states that for any integer up to a certain number, the directional derivative of the loss function is Lipschitz continuous in that direction.
  • Smoothness properties of the loss function states that the loss function is continuously differentiable and there are certain bounds on the derivatives.
  • Regularization by robustification over Wasserstein balls states that if certain assumptions hold, then the maximum of the Wasserstein ball is equal to the minimum of the dual problem.
  • Aymptotically steep Lipschitz continuous loss states that if the asymptotic linear growth rate of the loss function is equal to the Lipschitz modulus, then the Pasch-Hausdorff envelope of the loss function is equal to the loss function if the growth rate is greater than the Lipschitz modulus and equal to infinity otherwise.
  • Non-uniqueness of Nash equilibria states that if a certain maximization problem is solved, then the corresponding objective function values coincide.
  • Given certain parameters, the out-of-sample performance of a fixed portfolio is evaluated empirically.
  • Accounting for distributional ambiguity reduces the expected logarithmic disutility and the dispersion of the disutility.
  • If an upper semi-continuous function satisfies a growth condition, then the -th envelope converges to the function as grows.