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  • Premise selection is a fundamental problem of automated theorem proving.
  • Traditional symbolic systems can be outperformed by a neural transformer-based approach called Magnushammer.
  • Magnushammer achieved a proof rate of 59.5% on the PISA benchmark, compared to 38.3% for Sledgehammer.
  • Combining Magnushammer with a neural formal prover based on a language model improved the proof rate from 57.0% to 71.0%.

Paper Content


  • Automating mathematical reasoning is a central theme of AI
  • Machine learning has led to advancements in informal and formal theorem proving
  • We adopt a formal theorem proving approach in this paper
  • Proving a mathematical statement requires intuition, insights, and strategies
  • Tools have been developed to tackle premise selection, including “hammers”
  • Sledgehammer has gained prominence with Isabelle
  • Magnushammer is a transformer-based premise selection tool
  • Magnushammer outperforms Sledgehammer on the PISA benchmark
  • Magnushammer is the largest premise selection dataset of its kind


Formal theorem proving

  • Interactive proof assistants are software tools designed to help develop formal proofs.
  • Theorems are proved sequentially in Isabelle.
  • Proof states contain information about established facts and remaining goals.
  • Proof steps consist of tactics and premises.
  • Tactics are powerful decision procedures that can complete some proofs in one step.
  • Finding relevant premises is difficult as a proof context can contain thousands of them.


  • Sledgehammer is a tool used in Isabelle to help find and apply proof methods
  • Sledgehammer is a premise selection tool
  • Sledgehammer has limitations, such as diminishing returns with increasing computational power and difficulty with type systems other than higher-order logic
  • Deep-learning-based approaches can help overcome these limitations
  • Magnushammer is a two-stage method that uses representation similarity and text similarity to select and re-rank premises
  • Magnushammer is trained with a modified InfoNCE loss and binary cross-entropy loss
  • Magnushammer uses a transformer backbone pre-trained with a language modeling task
  • Magnushammer is used to construct proof steps with tactics and premises, similar to Sledgehammer


  • Created and released a dataset of textual representations for Isabelle’s proof states and premises
  • Used two largest collections of Isabelle theories to create the dataset
  • Datapoint consists of a pair of (proof state, premise)
  • Used Sledgehammer to generate proof steps with alternative premises


  • Magnushammer outperforms Sledgehammer by a large margin on the PISA benchmark.
  • Magnushammer combined with Thor sets the new state of the art on the PISA benchmark.

Experimental details

  • Used two benchmarks: PISA and MiniF2F
  • Measured proof success rate
  • Evaluated single-step and multi-step settings
  • Used Isabelle 2021-1 and Portal-to-ISAbelle API
  • Estimated computational budget for Sledgehammer

Results on pisa and minif2f benchmarks

  • Magnushammer outperforms Sledgehammer in single-step task
  • Magnushammer outperforms BM25 in single-step task
  • Magnushammer outperforms Thor in multi-step task
  • Magnushammer outperforms Sledgehammer in multi-step task with limited computational resources
  • Magnushammer scales well with medium computational budget
  • Magnushammer and Sledgehammer use different computational budgets in experiments

Impact of training data

  • We compare HUMAN PROOFS LIBRARY (HPL) and MACHINE AUGMENTED PROOFS LIBRARY (MAPL) datasets to study how the amount and type of data impact the proof rate.
  • We use models with 38M non-embedding parameters and a computational budget of 800.
  • Magnushammer fine-tuned on only 0.1% of MAPL (4K samples) outperforms Sledgehammer.
  • Pre-training is beneficial, but the effect diminishes with more training data.
  • Fine-tuning on MAPL or HPL leads to subtle differences.
  • Positive correlation between model size and proof rate.
  • SELECT-ONLY (Magnushammer without RERANK phase) outperforms Sledgehammer.
  • Magnushammer treats proof states and premises as text and can be applied to any theorem-proving environment.
  • We publish HPL and MAPL datasets in textual format.
  • We combine Magnushammer with Thor to generate alternative proof steps.
  • We use TPU virtual machines from GCP for pre-training, fine-tuning, and evaluation.
  • We use Algorithm 3 to evaluate BM25 and Magnushammer.
  • We combine Thor and Magnushammer in multi-step setting.
  • We extend the context given to our model with tactic prompt.