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  • RNNs offer fast inference on long sequences but are hard to optimize and slow to train.
  • Deep state-space models (SSMs) have recently been shown to perform well on long sequence modeling tasks and have the added benefits of fast parallelizable training and RNN-like fast inference.
  • This paper shows that careful design of deep RNNs can recover the impressive performance of deep SSMs on long-range reasoning tasks, while also matching their training speed.
  • The paper introduces an RNN block called the Linear Recurrent Unit that matches both the performance on the Long Range Arena benchmark and their computational efficiency.

Paper Content


  • RNNs have been used since the early days of deep learning
  • RNNs can be hard to train in practice due to the vanishing and exploding gradient problem
  • Techniques have been developed to mitigate this issue, such as orthogonal/unitary RNNs and gating mechanisms
  • Transformers have gained prominence for sequence modelling tasks
  • Transformers do not suffer from the vanishing gradient problem
  • Transformers can be expensive to deploy on long sequences
  • S4 model is a deep state-space model that achieves remarkable performance on tasks requiring long-range reasoning
  • S4 is equivalent to an RNN during inference
  • S4 is parameterized as a discretization of a latent continuous-time system of differential equations
  • Can the performance and efficiency of deep SSMs be matched using deep RNNs?
  • Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU) can match the performance and efficiency of deep SSMs on the Long Range Arena (LRA) benchmark
  • Steps towards crafting performant and efficient RNN models: linear recurrences, complex diagonal recurrent matrices, stable exponential parameterization, normalization


  • RNNs and SSMs are key architectural components studied in this work
  • Methodology and experimental setup are described
  • Related work is discussed in §B

Recap of recurrent block structures

  • RNNs and S4-like deep SSMs have major differences
  • RNN layer computes a sequence of outputs from a sequence of inputs
  • Simplified version of S4 recurrence introduced in Gu et al. (2021a)
  • Input is seen as the result of sampling a latent continuous-time signal
  • Output sequence is sampled from a signal computed by a continuous-time state-space model
  • Computation on the right-hand-side is linear in the hidden state and in the input
  • Most parameters are complex valued
  • Transition matrix is structured and initialized deterministically
  • Computation can be efficiently parallelized until = − 1
  • Learning is performed on the continuous-time parameters Ã, B, C, D, Δ
  • Most SSMs use complex-valued diagonal recurrent matrices initialized deterministically

Experimental setup

  • Long Range Arena benchmark tests models’ ability to do long-range sequence modelling
  • Transformers fail to perform well on most of these tasks
  • Deep SSMs have shown remarkable performance on these tasks
  • Deep RNNs are used to explore long-range modelling capabilities
  • 6 layers with residual connections and layer/batch normalization are used
  • AdamW optimizer is used with a smaller learning rate and no weight decay on recurrent parameters

Designing performant deep rnns

  • Use linear recurrences to improve performance
  • Speed up training and inference without affecting expressivity
  • Change parameterization and initialization distribution to make RNN stable and improve long-range modeling
  • Use normalization strategy for hidden activations to match performance of deep SSMs

Linear rnn layers are performant

  • Linear RNN layers can be more expressive than nonlinear RNN variants.
  • Removing the nonlinearity can improve test accuracy.
  • Linear RNNs can match performance of deep SSMs on some tasks.
  • Interleaving linear RNN layers with nonlinear feedforward blocks can approximate highly nonlinear systems.

Using complex diagonal recurrent matrices is efficient

  • Deep linear RNNs can be sped up without losing performance by using complex-valued diagonal recurrent matrices.
  • Diagonalizing linear systems is a common feature of deep SSMs.
  • The recurrence equation can be unrolled using the assumption that −1 = 0 ∈ ℝ.
  • The hidden-state of the linear variant can potentially explode or vanish exponentially as increases.
  • Eigenvalue analysis can be used to understand this phenomenon.
  • Complex numbers provide a convenient and compact representation of non-symmetric matrices in diagonal form.
  • Learning recurrent linear systems in diagonal form provides substantial computational speedups.
  • An equivalent initialization can be used to keep the eigenvalue spectrum of the recurrence unchanged.
  • Diagonalizing the recurrence improves accuracy and reduces training and inference time.

Benefits of stable exponential parameterization

  • Moving to complex diagonal recurrences is computationally efficient
  • Learning the diagonal model can be more unstable than learning the dense model
  • Eigenvalues need to have magnitude close to 1 to learn long-range dependencies
  • Parameterization of the RNN as Λ = diag(exp(− + )) decouples magnitude and oscillation frequencies
  • Enforcing stability on the eigenvalues is beneficial
  • Stable parameterization helps on most LRA tasks
  • Initializing eigenvalues to have a small phase helps with long-range reasoning tasks

Additional considerations for long-range reasoning tasks

  • Model did not succeed in learning PathX dataset
  • Initializing eigenvalues close to unit disk improves performance on long-range tasks
  • Forward pass blows up when eigenvalues are close to unit disk
  • Normalization scheme for hidden activations to tackle this problem
  • Restricting eigenvalue phase at initialization helps solve PathX
  • Normalization and restricted phase at initialization are both necessary
  • LRU model provides flexible, interpretable, and principled framework
  • Matches performance and efficiency of deep SSMs across all LRA tasks

Insights on s4 and variants

  • Deep SSMs are successful due to underlying mechanisms
  • Diagonal SSMs are instantiated and parameterized through discretization of a latent continuous-time model
  • Matrix exponentials make training easier
  • To enforce stability, real part of matrix is often fed into a positive nonlinearity
  • Power of exponential parameterization is not necessarily attributable to accurate integration
  • Magnitude-phase decoupling on the recurrence and learning in diagonalized space make training with Adam easier
  • HiPPO theory is not the main source of S4 success
  • Discretization changes initialization spectrum
  • Discretization performs normalization
  • Parameter sharing is not necessary


  • Introduction of a new RNN layer called the Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU)
  • LRU can be used as core layers of deep sequence models
  • Theoretical insights and extensive ablations on a series of modifications of a vanilla RNN to improve performance
  • Design does not rely on discretization of a latent continuous-time system or on structured transition matrices
  • Improvements directly follow from initialization and forward pass analysis arguments standard in the deep learning community
  • Matches performance of modern deep state-space models (e.g. S4 or S5) on all LRA tasks
  • Standard RNN-based approaches for sequence-to-sequence modeling
  • Historical overview on the progress of the literature stemming from the S4 paper
  • RNNs widely used in various applications of natural language processing tasks
  • Issue of vanishing or exploding gradients limits the ability of RNNs to learn
  • Introduction of gating mechanisms such as the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
  • Mitigating the vanishing gradient problem with orthogonal and unitary RNNs
  • Deep state-space models (SSMs)
  • Gu et al. (2020) provided an alternative view on the vanishing gradient problem
  • Discretized structured (i.e., using structured HiPPO matrices) state-space model as a starting for the design and initialization of a novel gated RNN
  • Gu et al. (2021a) scaled up this idea into a deep architecture
  • Gu et al. (2022a) showed that, to retrieve most performance of S4, one can simply initialize the transition matrix in diagonal form
  • Smith et al. (2022) found that one can also depart from the formal one-dimensional discretization structure of S4
  • Applications of DSS and S4 in language, vision and audio
  • Ma et al. (2022) simplified S4 to a diagonal SSM
  • Li et al. (2022a) leveraged the convolutional interpretation of SSMs
  • Gupta et al. (2022b) pointed out that, after numerical integration, diagonal state-space models and linear RNNs share the same function approximation class
  • Applications of models inspired by the S4 architecture in language modeling, video/audio understanding and generation, biology and time series forecasting