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  • DNNs can accurately capture the hierarchy of neural responses in the mammalian visual system.
  • DNNs have been less successful in explaining representations in higher cortical areas.
  • A novel scene perception benchmark has been designed to probe the ability of DNNs to transform scenes viewed from different perspectives.
  • A network architecture inspired by the connectivity between temporal lobe structures and the hippocampus has been used to demonstrate that DNNs can learn this task.
  • A factorized latent space has been used to split information propagation into “what” and “where” pathways.
  • This has allowed for the state-of-the-art for unsupervised object segmentation on the CATER and MOVi-A,B,C benchmarks to be beaten.

Paper Content


  • Neural networks can produce coherent scene understanding and synthesize novel views
  • Structures along the visual cortex to the hippocampal formation govern transformation from egocentric to allocentric
  • Hippocampus is necessary for memory and perception of places and events
  • Computational models needed to explain single-cell responses across transformation circuit
  • Developed a scene recognition model to understand transformation from egocentric to allocentric
  • Developed a novel hippocampally dependent task inspired by 4-Mountains-Test
  • Model architecture inspired by recent work in scene perception
  • Model trained using triplet loss to distinguish between scenes across different viewpoints
  • Reconstruction loss combined with pixel-wise decoder used for unsupervised object segmentation
  • Study of scene perception in neuroscience first explored in behavioural experiments in 1972
  • Scene perception models have been used to tackle the problem of novel view synthesis.
  • SLAM algorithms have been used in robotics to represent scenes and navigate within them.
  • Neural radiance field networks try to mimic the image synthesis based on real-world physics.
  • Traditional scene decomposition methods use a latent space to produce new views.

Task design

  • A model was built to deal with randomly sampled egocentric sensory observations.
  • The model was inspired by novel view synthesis tasks and the 4-Mountains-Test.
  • The 4-Mountains-Test is used in the clinic and is sensitive to hippocampal damage.
  • The task was simplified by rendering four objects with circular symmetry and a global reference frame.

Model architecture

  • Model architecture follows known biological connectivity between visual cortices and hippocampal formation
  • Pre-trained convolutional neural network used to simulate responses of visual cortex
  • Activations from V4 and IT cortex extracted for each rendered viewpoint
  • Information from V4 and IT routed through PR and PH cortices using weak or strong connections
  • MEC and LEC entorhinal cortex receive input averaged across time and space respectively
  • Hippocampus consists of CA3 and CA1 layers
  • CA1 layer split into temporal and spatial information
  • Pixel-wise decoder used to reconstruct input across novel views

Model optimization

  • Model receives egocentric sensory observations which are transformed into allocentric representations in the hippocampal formation
  • Model is trained by minimizing either a triplet loss on the hippocampal latent space or an L2-reconstruction loss in pixel space
  • L2-reconstruction loss is calculated between the predicted reconstruction and the original image
  • Final loss is summed across the width, height and timesteps and averaged across batches
  • Predictive objective function is similar to the reconstruction loss as the latent space enforces the reconstruction of scenes from different viewpoints


Performance on adapted 4-mountains-test

  • Model trained to separate between different scenes
  • Triplet loss used to disentangle hippocampal representation between different scenes
  • Performance evaluated by calculating cross-correlation matrix
  • Pre-trained layers and image itself show performance levels around chance
  • IT performs best at 39%
  • Late layers in model construct world-centred representation of environment
  • CA3 and CA1 show performance close to 90%

Neural representations within network layers

  • Allocentricity measure is used to quantify amount of allocentric information in each trained layer
  • Hippocampal layers have highest allocentricity score
  • Later layers incorporate more high-level information
  • Allocentric position and scene identity can be read out from hippocampal layer CA3
  • Egocentric information is reduced in layers beyond MEC
  • CA1 layer retains allocentric information
  • Visualized activity of neurons in different reference frames shows allocentric boundary and place-like activity

Reconstructing the input through feedback connections

  • Model is able to discern between novel scenes from arbitrary viewpoints
  • Added additional reconstruction loss in pixel space
  • Used factorized latent space to sample objects and frame information for each individual pixel and time point
  • Mental imagination is guided by viewpoint-changing signal combined with object information
  • Reconstruction loss varies depending on object colours used
  • Triplet loss helps to differentiate between scenes in late layers of the model

Model performance on cater and movi

  • Evaluated neural network architecture on CATER benchmark
  • Compared FG-ARI across different unsupervised models
  • MONet is a staticframe model
  • SAVi uses optical flow as a supervision signal
  • Model performance obtained by training for 200000 steps with fixed learning rate
  • Model architecture for higher-level cortices replaced with four convolutional layers
  • Model able to reconstruct input frames and segment objects on CATER dataset
  • Model performance comparable or better than baseline models on CATER


  • Artificial neural network was trained to perform allocentric topographical processing
  • Model uses visual representations from V4 and IT and higher-level areas like the entorhinal and hippocampus
  • Model can discern between hundreds of scenes and generalize beyond its training set
  • Model can reconstruct visual input and disentangle object from spatial information
  • Model can perform novel view synthesis and segment objects
  • Model size is relatively small and may not perform well on more challenging datasets
  • Future exploration of neural representations across objective functions used