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  • Most language models are trained and applied in a left-to-right fashion.
  • This paper proposes a new pre-training paradigm to improve training data efficiency and capabilities of language models.
  • The proposed pre-training paradigm includes a training objective and a bidirectional inference procedure.
  • Experiments show the effectiveness of the pre-training paradigm, outperforming strong baselines.

Paper Content


  • Notation is introduced to be used throughout the paper
  • Notation is used to denote prefixes and suffixes of a sequence of tokens
  • Dependence of models on learnable parameters is suppressed
  • Arrows are used to distinguish the two models and their outputs

The infilling task

  • Infilling task is given a sequence of tokens, an insertion position, and a length
  • Task is to generate a plausible sequence of tokens to fill the gap
  • Finding the sequence that maximizes probability requires time exponential in M
  • Fill in the Middle (FIM) approach allows LM to use context from both sides
  • Advantages of FIM are that it can be applied to any pre-trained LM and is computationally efficient
  • Drawbacks of FIM are unnatural contexts and difficulty balancing influence of prefix and suffix

Bidirectional language modeling

  • Bidirectional language modeling has been used to train non-autoregressive LMs
  • Autoregressive LMs produce better representations than non-autoregressive LMs
  • Our model remains autoregressive and future tokens are used to regularize the model
  • We do not attempt to produce a single probability for every token, instead there are two probabilities

Meet in the middle

  • Pre-training involves training two models to predict the next token using different views of the input.
  • The two models need to balance two goals: predicting the next token well and having the probability distributions assigned to the next token agree.


  • Two decoder-only language models are used, which share all parameters
  • The forward model predicts next tokens in the forward direction
  • The backward model predicts previous tokens in the backward direction
  • A regularizer is used to encourage the models to agree on their predictions


  • Goal is to have an efficient and low-latency generation procedure
  • Naive procedure would generate from two models until each meets a condition
  • Proposed procedure interleaves generation and scoring and can terminate quickly
  • Models start building a completion from their own side and try to meet in the middle
  • For each generated token from one model, check if it is in the generated tokens from the other
  • If the two models produce the same sequence, they have met in the middle
  • Agreement regularizer helps if the two models produce different sequences
  • Use n-grams instead of single token to reduce false positives
  • Parallel verification procedure adapted from [GXS + 22]
  • If no partial match, return to autoregressive generation
  • Trade off compatibility with autoregressive LMs for more powerful attention mechanism
  • Modifications improve infilling metrics but come at the cost of incompatibility with existing autoregressive LMs


  • Pre-training experiments conducted
  • Evaluation setup described
  • Main results presented
  • Ablation studies conducted

Data and models

  • Pre-trained models on a large and diverse corpus of public code
  • Python, Java, C++ are the dominant languages
  • Corpus contains 300 billion tokens
  • Six times larger than the pre-training dataset used in the original Incoder model
  • Also pre-trained on natural language datasets
  • Model sizes of 350M, 1.3B and 2.7B parameters
  • Baselines pre-trained with FIM models

Benchmarks and metrics

  • FIM implementation outperforms Incoder models on all metrics and datasets
  • FIM-2.7B surpasses other strong baselines
  • MIM consistently outperforms FIM across all metrics and datasets
  • MIM pre-training receives more dense supervision from agreement regularizer
  • MIM pre-training leads to high quality left-to-right generative model
  • MIM consistently outperforms FIM in infilling setting
  • MIM consistently outperforms FIM in natural language datasets

Ablation study

  • Ablation study conducted to assess effect of optional enhancements
  • Comparing autoregressive MIM model with Synchronous Bidirectional Attention layer
  • Perplexity used to select value of λ
  • Bidirectional context models outperform unidirectional context models
  • MIM inference faster than FIM baselines
  • Bidirectional language modeling has been studied extensively
  • Early models such as BERT use permutation language modeling to maximize likelihood of training sequences
  • Representation learning and in-context learning can be difficult
  • Two works train neural models using similar ideas
  • One work regularizes forward and backward RNNs by requiring representations to be close in Euclidean distance
  • Another work encourages agreement in probability space
  • Our approach focuses on achieving better infilling accuracy than FIM while also reducing latency


  • Addressed two challenges faced by large LMs
  • Proposed “Meet in the Middle” method
  • Uses both forward and backward LMs
  • Parameters shared between LMs
  • Inference procedure reduces latency by up to 50%
  • Standard transformer-based autoregressive language models used
  • Multi Query Attention used
  • Bidirectional context used during pre-training
  • Adam optimizer used
  • Training done in two stages
  • Pre-training data statistics given
  • In-domain and out-of-domain perplexity results given
  • Masked tokens and spans of tokens used