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  • Counterfactual explanations and adversarial attacks have a related goal: flipping output labels with minimal perturbations.
  • Adversarial attacks cannot be used directly in a counterfactual explanation perspective.
  • The proposed approach hypothesizes that Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models are excellent regularizers for avoiding high-frequency and out-of-distribution perturbations when generating adversarial attacks.
  • The paper’s key idea is to build attacks through a diffusion model to polish them.

Paper Content


  • Research branch of explainable AI has yielded remarkable results
  • Counterfactual explanations (CE) is a promising pipeline for explainability
  • CE answers what needs to change to alter the prediction
  • CE are easy to understand and have been adopted by companies
  • CE should be valid, sparse, proximal, diverse, and realistic
  • Adversarial attacks share a common goal with CE
  • ACE is a novel methodology based on adversarial attacks to generate semantically coherent CE
  • ACE performs competitively with other methods
  • ACE produces actionable modifications in real-world scenarios to flip the classifier decision
  • Ad-Hoc and Post-Hoc methods are two branches of Explainable AI
  • Post-Hoc methods can be divided into global and local explanations
  • Local explanations include saliency maps, concept attribution and model distillation
  • Counterfactual explanations try to explain how a model took a decision
  • Adversarial attacks and counterfactual explanations share the same goal
  • Adversarial attacks can be white-box or black-box
  • Adversarial attacks can be used to create semantic changes in undefended models

Adversarial counterfactual explanations

  • ACE produces counterfactual images in two steps
  • Step 1: Producing pre-explanation images by minimizing a loss function using an adversarial attack
  • Step 2: Bringing pre-explanations closer to the input images by using a binary mask
  • Filtering process F robustifies the classifier to generate semantic changes without modifying its weights

Pre-explanation generation with ddpms

  • DDPMs have two key properties: removing high-frequency information and producing in-distribution images.
  • DDPMs rely on two Markov chains, one forward and one reverse.
  • The forward chain adds noise from a state t into t + 1 while the reverse chain removes it from t + 1 to t.
  • ACE pre-explanation generation involves applying the forward DDPM process and then denoising it recursively.

Bringing the pre-explanations closer to the input images

  • DDPM generates a normal distribution
  • Post-processing phase can help keep irrelevant parts of the image untouched
  • Binary mask m delineates regions that qualify for modifications
  • Inpainting methods used to fuse CE inside the mask
  • Final image is counterfactual explanation


Evaluation protocols and datasets

  • Evaluated ACE on CelebA, CelebA HQ, and BDD100k
  • CelebA images are 128x128, CelebA HQ images are 256x256, BDD100k images are 512x256
  • Classifier is DenseNet121 for all datasets
  • Evaluated validity of explanations with Flip Rate (FR)
  • Evaluated diversity with average LPIPS distance between pairs of counterfactuals (σ L )
  • Evaluated sparsity/proximity with Mean Number of Attributes Changed (MNAC) and Cosine Distance (CD)
  • Evaluated realism with FID and sFID
  • Used DDPM model with DiME weights for CelebA, re-spaced time steps for CelebA HQ, and trained diffusion model on 10,000 image subset of BDD100k
  • Used ℓ1 or ℓ2 distance for distance function and PGD for attack optimization

Comparison against the state-of-the-art

  • ACE outperforms previous State-of-the-Art methods on all datasets
  • DiME’s success rate increased from 41% to 97% on CelebA HQ when parameters were augmented
  • Fewer steps improved the quality on BDD100k
  • ACE outmatches DiME on all metrics in CelebA
  • DiME outperforms ACE on COUT and CD metrics in CelebA HQ
  • ACE consistently outperforms DiME and STEEX on BDD100k
  • ℓ 1 generates sparser modifications, while ℓ 2 tends to generate broader editing
  • Extensions for FVA and FID metrics validated
  • ACE tested on a small subset of classes on ImageNet with a ResNet50

Diversity assessment

  • ACE is able to generate diverse explanations
  • Diffusion models are designed to generate distributions of images
  • ACE and DiME are compared using a diversity score
  • ACE does not go deep into the forward noising chain to avoid changing the original class
  • Re-spacing is used to maintain accuracy and diversity

Qualitative results

  • Qualitative results shown in Figure 2 for all datasets, including ImageNet examples
  • Sparser or coarser characteristics depending on attribute
  • Different distance losses impose different types of explanations
  • ℓ 1 loss exposes most local and concrete explanations
  • ℓ 2 loss generates coarser editing
  • Generated mask useful to spot out location of changes
  • Supplementary material includes more qualitative results


  • Counterfactual explanations are expected to teach the user how to modify the classifier’s prediction
  • We studied a batch of counterfactual-input tuples generated with our method
  • We studied the CelebA HQ classifier for the age and smile attributes
  • We identified two interesting results: frowning can change the prediction of the classifier and the classifier uses the morphological trait of high cheekbones to classify someone as smiling
  • We tested these hypotheses in real life and were successful
  • We compared pre-explanation and refined explanations quantitatively and qualitatively
  • We explored the effects of using different adversarial attacks
  • We showed that the S 3 metric gives similar results as the FVA
  • We proposed ACE, an approach to generate counterfactual explanations using adversarial attacks
  • ACE is capable of changing key features while avoiding modifying unwanted structures
  • ACE is faster than previous literature
  • ACE is capable of showing natural features to find sparse and actionable modifications in real life