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  • NCD is a task of learning a model to segment unlabelled classes using only labelled classes
  • No work exists for 3D point cloud data
  • This paper advances the state of the art on point cloud data analysis in four directions
  • Presents a new method for NCD based on online clustering
  • Introduces a new evaluation protocol to assess the performance of NCD for point cloud semantic segmentation

Paper Content


  • Humans can organize new visual knowledge into groups
  • Machines cannot do this without supervision
  • Novel Class Discovery (NCD) is the task of classifying unlabelled samples into different classes
  • NCD has been explored in 2D image domain for classification and semantic segmentation
  • NCD for 3D data is different because one point cloud can contain more than one novel class
  • NCD for 3D semantic segmentation is explored in this paper
  • A new method for NCD is presented, called NOPS (NOvel Point Segmentation)
  • A new evaluation protocol is introduced to assess the performance of NCD for 3D semantic segmentation
  • Point cloud semantic segmentation can be performed at the point level, on range view maps, and by voxelising the input points
  • Point-level networks process the input without intermediate representations, examples include PointNet, PointNet++, RandLA-Net, and KPConv
  • Range view architectures and voxel-based approaches are more computationally efficient than point-level networks
  • Novel class discovery is explored for 2D classification and 2D segmentation
  • NCD is more complex than standard semi-supervised learning
  • NOPS tackles the problem of NCD in 3D point cloud semantic segmentation
  • NOPS produces two augmented views that are processed with the same deep neural network
  • Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm is used to obtain pseudo-labels
  • Network is trained by minimising the optimisation objective function through a swapped prediction task based on the computed pseudo-labels

Problem formulation

  • X is a dataset of 3D point clouds captured in different scenes.
  • X is composed of a base set Xb and a novel set Xn.
  • Semantic categories present in the point clouds are Cb and Cn, where Cb is the set of base classes and Cn is the set of novel classes.
  • Each X is composed of 3D points with coordinates and semantic classes.
  • Aim is to design a computational approach to segment all points of a given point cloud.

Online pseudo-labelling

  • Pseudo-labelling is the assignment of novel points to class-prototypes learnt during training
  • We aim to find an assignment that partitions the points equally across the prototypes
  • We maximise the similarity between the features of the new points and the learned prototypes
  • We formulate the transportation polytope such that the optimisation is performed online
  • We introduce a linear decay of the pseudo-labels during training
  • We use multiple novel class segmentation heads to optimise the feature space

Class-balanced queuing

  • Soft pseudo-labelling produces an equipartite matching between novel points and class centroids.
  • When dealing with 3D data, batches may contain novel classes with different cardinalities.
  • To mitigate potential class imbalance, a queue of features from previous iterations is used.

Uncertainty-aware training and queuing

  • Proposed selection of novel points for training with fewer but more reliable pseudo-labels
  • Adaptive threshold based on class probabilities within each batch
  • Selection strategy extracts novel points with greatest class probability, computes threshold as p-th percentile of class probabilities, and retains novel points with class probability above threshold

Optimisation objective

  • Optimize f Θ using weighted Cross Entropy objective
  • Formulate swapped prediction task based on pseudo-labels
  • Generate two different augmentations of X
  • Predict novel pseudo-labels of X and X
  • Enforce prediction consistency between swapped pseudo-labels
  • Use separate segmentation heads for base and novel classes

Adapting ncd for 2d images to 3d

  • Adapted Zhao et al. [41] method for NCD for 2D semantic segmentation (EUMS) to 3D data
  • EUMS uses two assumptions: I) novel classes belong to foreground and II) each image can contain at most one novel class
  • With 3D point clouds, no concept of foreground and background
  • Adaptation designed to discover classes of all unlabelled points
  • Subsampling of points necessary to fit data in RAM
  • Cluster prototypes computed, hard pseudo-labels produced
  • Pseudo-label of each point propagated to nearest neighbour in coordinate space
  • Overclustering and entropy-based modelling implemented to boost results

Experimental results

Experimental setup

  • Evaluated approach on SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS datasets
  • Created four splits for each dataset
  • Measured performance using mean Intersection over Union (mIoU)
  • Implemented network based on MinkowskiUNet-34C
  • Trained network for 10 epochs with SGD optimizer

Quantitative analysis

  • NOPS outperforms EUMS † on 3 out of 4 splits on SemanticPOSS
  • NOPS outperforms EUMS † on all 4 splits on SemanticKITTI
  • NOPS outperforms EUMS † in terms of computational time
  • NOPS requires less memory and a lower computational time than EUMS †

Qualitative analysis

  • NOPS and EUMS † are tested on SemanticPOSS and SemaniticKITTI
  • NOPS shows better segmentation capabilities for novel classes
  • EUMS nearly fails in correctly recognizing novel objects
  • NOPS is composed of 7 versions, with and without pre-training
  • Pre-trained approaches generally underperform trained-from-scratch counterparts on novel classes
  • Performance depends on number of points and difficulty of novel classes
  • NOPS outperforms compared baselines by a large margin
  • Limitations include prior knowledge on number of novel classes and loss used to handle class unbalancing
  • Evaluation protocol introduced to assess performance of NCD for point cloud segmentation
  • EUMS † adapted for 3D point cloud data with changes to original implementation
  • Splits of SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS selected based on balancing novel classes and including semantic relationships between base and novel classes
  • Additional qualitative results show NOPS outperforms EUMS †